View Profile xuxubadabooom

xuxubadabooom's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1,252 (From 261 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 18,185 Points

Blasting Agent

Medals Earned: 1/6 (10/170 points)

Dash Master 10 Points

90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 1 Easy

Bazooka King 10 Points

90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 2 Easy

Double Jumper 25 Points

100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 1 Hard

Space Captain 25 Points

90% Kill and 90% Gold Level 3 Easy

Bomb Gun 50 Points

100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 2 Hard

Ninja Power 50 Points

100% Kill and 100% Gold Level 3 Hard

Brave Boy

Medals Earned: 4/15 (100/450 points)

Double Somersault 25 Points

Double somersault without touching the ground

Kamikaze 25 Points

break the box with your head at a high speed

Ram 25 Points

To hit the object at a high speed

Triple Somersault 25 Points

To perform a triple somersault without touching the ground

Bandoleer 25 Points

To increase the number of cartridges

Flash 25 Points

Decrease the air resistance maximally

Flight 25 Points

Fly high above the ground

Marathoner 25 Points

To maximize stamina

Off-roader 25 Points

To improve the passability

Record Breaker 25 Points

To improve the speed maximally

Road Warrior 25 Points

Destroy 3 enemies with one shot

Shooter 25 Points

To enhance the weapon maximally

Stunt Man 25 Points

To perform all the stunts

The Bestuniform 25 Points

To decrease power consumption maximally

My Hero 100 Points

Save the girl

Burrito Bison

Medals Earned: 2/8 (75/500 points)


Get a perfect launch 10 times.


Go through the arena without touching the ground.

OUTLAW! 25 Points

Squash 100 police officers.


Escape Candy Land and return to the Supermarket.


Reach past the sky's limit!

BUFFED OUT! 100 Points

Upgrade everything to the max!


Get at least 1 of each special gummy in a single run.

PANTS ON FIRE! 100 Points

Attain a very high speed.

Burrito Bison Revenge

Medals Earned: 5/8 (140/390 points)

The way the cookie crumbles 5 Points

Beat the crap out of the first opponent!

Bad boy, bad! 10 Points

Beat the crap out of the second opponent!

Terminated 25 Points

Beat the crap out of the third opponent!

+99 LCK 50 Points

Smash a lucky gummy in each of the 4 zones!

Robbing the robbers 50 Points

Break through the giant safe and retrieve your wallet!

To infinity and beyond! 50 Points

Travel a minimum of 15,000 meters in "Survival" mode!

Power junkie 100 Points

Upgrade everything to the max!

Yes, sir! 100 Points

Complete all missions!

Cardiac Snowdrift

Medals Earned: 1/6 (25/155 points)

Ultimate Completion 25 Points

What were once many, are now one large heart monster thing. Thanks to you.

Iron Constitution 10 Points

Spit in the face of oncoming peril like the immovable object you are (unavailable on easy difficulty).

Unanimous Approval 100 Points

Everyone's been very impressed with your performance.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Castle Guardian

Medals Earned: 3/12 (30/320 points)

Give it a Chance 10 Points

Play for 10 minutes

Money Bags 10 Points

Collect $10,000

Slayer 10 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Halfway there 10 Points

Get to day 10

Completed 25 Points

Complete the game

Full Bestiary 25 Points

Destroy every enemy

Powerhouse 25 Points

Fully Upgrade Strength

Smiter 25 Points

Kill 1000 enemies

Survivor 25 Points

Get 150 kills in survival

Must Get Achievement 50 Points

Collect 50 of the 85 achievements

Achievement Addict 100 Points

Collect every single achievement!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Catch 51

Medals Earned: 4/10 (20/50 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

chained smiley

Medals Earned: 2/14 (30/605 points)

all_type 5 Points

have all kind of smiley

perfect_hit 25 Points

get a perfect hit on a round

amateur_smiley 25 Points

get total score more than 5M

bomber_mastery 25 Points

have max number of bomber smiley

max_click 25 Points

upgrade click number to the max

max_diameter 25 Points

upgrade click diameter to the max

normal_mastery 25 Points

have max number of normal smiley

intermediate_smiley 50 Points

get total score more than 10M

multi_mastery 50 Points

have max number of multi smiley

professional_smiley 50 Points

get total score more than 15M

psy_mastery 50 Points

have max number of psy smiley

tricky_perfect 50 Points

get a perfect hit on the first day

enthusiasm_smiley 100 Points

get total score more than 20M

quick_target 100 Points

complete your target in 35 days or less

Chibi Knight

Medals Earned: 5/8 (55/155 points)

Dragon-slayer 5 Points

Beat Island Beast

Chibi-mage 10 Points

Get all 4 spells

Furball-slayer 10 Points

Beat Canyon Beast

Worthy-chibi 25 Points

Defeat all 3 knights

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Demon-slayer 25 Points

Defeat Demon Beast

Speed-runner 25 Points

Beat game without getting the axe and without getting any spells

Grinder 50 Points

Level up everything to level 8

Ching Chong Beautiful

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/405 points)

Ignorance Isn't Bliss 5 Points

Finish the Tutorial

Ching Champion! 25 Points

Defeat the Wicked Obstacle Course!

Long Fall 25 Points

Fall a long time for your ancestors

Long Slide 25 Points

Slide a HELLA long time!

Too Close! 25 Points

Save yourself from falling ten times

Big Baby 50 Points

Earn all Platinums on Easy

Meet the Winners 50 Points

Meet all the previous contestants

Brave as a Married Man 100 Points

Earn all Platinums on Medium

Seppuku's Soul 100 Points

Earn all Platinums on Hard